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The Birth Chapter
Intro (1:47)
Facebook Group Link
Labour Overview
Early Labour (10:42)
Active labour (1st stage) (3:57)
When to go into hospital (5:29)
Pushing Stage (2nd stage) (6:24)
Placenta stage (3rd Stage) (10:06)
Assisted Birth - What happens in a forceps & ventouse birth. (16:18)
Hypnobirthing - Changing the way you think about birth
Fight or Flight - Never Useful in Birth (6:03)
Birth Mind Set (11:11)
Rewrite What You Think About Birth (4:28)
Daydreaming About Birth (5:37)
Birth Affirmations (3:17)
Words (7:33)
Hypnobirthing - Knowledge is Power
Ways to reduce chances of tearing (5:50)
Monitoring baby's heartrate in labour (8:52)
Your contractions, what are they? How to keep them effective. (7:17)
How to help baby through your pelvis (5:39)
Birth Environment (8:43)
Birth Partners (5:10)
Factors to consider when choosing where to give birth (8:45)
Cesarean Births
What happens in a cesarean (10:47)
Calm Cesarean Birth (4:46)
How to cope with contractions
Using essential oils (3:21)
And relaaaax (2:09)
What are your distractions (4:32)
And Breeeeathe (2:29)
TENS machine (2:55)
Gas and Air (2:40)
Diamorphine (2:36)
Epidurals (4:37)
Waterbirths. What are the benefits & What happens? (11:17)
First breath - For keeping calm (11:26)
Second Breath - Use During Pushing (6:59)
Blowing breath - to reduce vaginal tears (2:16)
Choices and Challenges
Risk (4:57)
Control the things you can, let go of what you can’t (1:31)
EBRAN (5:27)
Induction of Labour
Natural ways of induction of labour (5:12)
Stretch and Sweeps (2:52)
Medical Induction (7:40)
Keeping an induction calm (4:37)
Induction Date Stress (4:10)
Downloads- Checklists and Audios
Hospital Bag Checklist
Birth Preferences
Theatre Helpful Info
Labour Timeline
Post Natal Cheat Sheets
Breathing Practices & Relaxation Audios
Breathing Audio
Relaxation Audio
Relaxation Oak
Biomechanics of Birth **NEW**
Optimum Position of Baby (2:30)
A Back to Back Positioned Baby (4:16)
How to use these positions (2:26)
Exaggerated Lateral (1:37)
Side Lying Release (2:52)
Forward Leaning Inversion (3:15)
Elevated Side Lunge (1:19)
Abdominal Lift and Tuck (1:59)
Shaking the Apple Tree (2:20)
Sifting (1:51)
Cheat Sheet
Additional Pregnancy Needs with Obstetrician Vickie
How to use this section
Meet Vickie (1:22)
Previous 3rd or 4th Degree Tear (4:47)
An Elective (or booked) Caesarean Birth (13:36)
Low Papp A (3:57)
Pregnancy Past Your Due Date (3:49)
Coronavirus in Pregnancy (9:25)
Obstetric Choleostasis (5:38)
Pre-Existing Diabetes (13:01)
Pre-Eclampsia (10:28)
Pregnancy Over 40 (7:15)
Raised BMI in pregnancy (13:31)
A baby that is estimated to be small (9:04)
Gestational Diabetes (20:10)
Your Pregnancy after IVF (11:24)
A baby estimated to be large (15:00)
VBAC - Vaginal Birth After A Caesarean (32:57)
Breech baby & your options (31:10)
Bonus Videos
Perineal Massage (2:33)
Collecting Colostrum in pregnancy (5:02)
Is baby engaged? Does this mean labour is starting? (2:33)
Group B Strep (10:03)
Rhesus Negative Blood Types (2:43)
If you have had a traumatic birth...
Birth Trauma & PTSD (8:30)
Treats from me to you <3
Discount Codes
Birth Partners
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