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The Baby Chapter
Welcome to The Baby Chapter
Introducing... (0:45)
Facebook Group
Baby Care
You and your baby straight after birth (7:00)
4th Trimester (3:40)
Skin Care, Nappy Rash & Nails (6:02)
Jaundice (3:15)
Safe Sleeping (3:52)
Co Sleeping *Please watch even if this is not your intention* (8:21)
Nappies (13:13)
Dress Baby (6:13)
Washing baby & bathing, cord care (14:57)
Baby Sleep
Introducing Sleep Pro... Helen (1:13)
Your role as a parent and your baby's sleep (1:53)
Sleep Basics... Signs of sleep & awake times (2:31)
Why doesn't my baby sleep? The science. (8:51)
The 4 month sleep regression (5:18)
How to calm your baby.... The 5 S's (4:34)
Settling baby to sleep... Techniques to try (5:52)
Safe sleeping (3:31)
Busting some sleep myths! (6:33)
Top Tips on sleep (1:48)
Further Advice (0:32)
Awake times & nap guide
The Fourth Trimester - YOU- Top to Toe
Your Hospital Stay, leaving hospital - You & Baby (9:49)
Post Natal Mind (4:41)
Eat and Drink (2:23)
4th Trimester Mother (3:22)
Vaginal Tears (3:42)
Abdomen, cesarean wound, after pains (6:58)
Bowels (1:50)
Legs & DVTs (2:04)
Feeding Your Baby
Beginning Feeding... First 24hrs & Feeding Cues (4:36)
Day 2 (3:56)
Day 3 - 4 (7:18)
Signs of Well Fed Baby (3:10)
Challenges ... The Sleepy Baby (1:27)
Challenges .. Baby in SCBU or a challenging birth. (2:26)
How often should my baby feed? (1:30)
Multivitamins, with Peadeatric Dietician Raph. (1:33)
Feeding Baby... handy things to have around (4:34)
Feeding from the breast
Baby Feeding Positions (8:28)
Attachment - Latching baby on the breast (8:57)
Do I feed off both breasts at each feed? (2:47)
Cracked Nipples (7:30)
Over Supply of milk (4:09)
Increasing my milk supply (5:30)
Hand Expression Post Natally (4:00)
Harvesting Colostrum in Pregnancy (5:02)
Feeding from the bottle
Paced Bottle Feeding, Bottles & Winding (5:34)
How to make up a bottle (both formula milk & expressed breast milk) (7:20)
Formula milk... Which one to choose? (3:50)
Breastmilk Storage and Defrosting
Cranial Osteopathy - Colic & Reflux
Introducing Cranial Osteopath... Olivia & What is Colic? (2:38)
Reflux (7:59)
Infant Gut (7:41)
Lactose (7:21)
Introducing Peadeatric Dietician.. Raphaella (0:57)
When is my baby ready to be weaned? (2:30)
Baby Led vs Traditional Weaning (1:17)
How to start your weaning chapter (8:18)
Weaning Foods (7:15)
Weaning Foods to Avoid (3:49)
Weaning Equipment.. What will I need to start? (5:58)
Introducing Allergen Food (8:47)
Growth & Weighing babies (2:04)
Weighing babies & accessing services during covid. (0:43)
Recovering your body from pregnancy & birth, with Physio Helen.
Helen Intro (1:43)
Recovery after a vaginal birth (6:39)
Recovery after a cesarean (3:54)
Going to the toilet after having a baby & beyond (3:32)
Tummy Muscles & Ab Seperation (Diastasis Recti) (2:44)
Pelvic Floor Muscles (3:18)
Returning To Exercise (4:29)
Other useful information (2:33)
Sex after birth (1:59)
When to seek advice (1:16)
Exercises - Pelvic Floor (10:26)
Exercises - Core strength (12:55)
Looking after your mental health, with Dr Justine
Mental Health Intro (1:48)
Feeling anxious after having a baby & strategies to help (10:50)
Baby Blues & Post Natal Depression (13:51)
Birth Trauma & PTSD (8:30)
Self care and your mental health (4:41)
Talking Therapies (4:00)
Laura Hopper Story (56:17)
Further Advice
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